I wanted to respond to OO, but didn't want to hijack his thread. People keep bitching about the direction of the our culture and our politics, but fail in seeing the enemy. They want to understand why America will not unite to confront Islam, control immigration, protect the integrity of our military, check spending etc. The answer is simple, you just have to see it. Our government is based on numbers. The Party with the numbers runs the show. The Dems are in full attack mode to defeat the Right. Understand that, and you'll understand World and National politics.

Originally Posted by OrangeOkie
I have often wondered what my dad would say about the threat of Islam in America today. He died before 911, but certainly he had an opinion on the threat to America of all the Japanese living here, after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Unfortunately I never asked his opinion on that.

I can only imagine how he would compare the public fear of our enemies walking freely about our cities back in 1941, and the Muslims walking freely about our cities now under siege around the world.

We all know what the Commander in Chief did back in 1941. What should be done today?

It took an enormous act of war at Pearl Harbor to unite the country - and you can argue that the country was still less than united. 911 did not unite the country politically, and what consensus there was fell apart quickly over Iraq.

The loss of unity over Iraq was nothing more than the Dems finding an opportunity to attack GWB in attempt to get him out in '04. Do not forget that that the Dems were severely butthurt over the hang chad loss in Florida. Al Gore was a whisper away from giving the Dems 12-16 years straight in the White House.

The prolonged hunt for Saddam, lack of finding WMDs, the bombings and lack of unity in he Iraqi people all became fuel to attack GWB and the GOP. THIS is politics today in our country. The Dems are out to attack and discredit any up and coming GOP personality long before they gain any name recognition. They demonize all GOP leadership to the point where even half of the morons around here bitched more about Boehner and McConnell in power than Pelosi and Reid running the show.

The Left in this country HATES conservative White, Christians so much, that they are willing to play the "an enemy of my enemy is my friend" game. This is precisely why the Left will not condemn Islam, will not consider restricting immigration, and champion Gay rights, Ferguson, U Mizzou, or anything else that pisses off conservatives. ANYTHING that gets under the skin of

Gun owners
Americans of Euro ancestry
abortion foes
welfare reformers
Conservatives in general

is fair game for the Left.

Conservatives are pro gun? Attack!

Christians oppose the LGBT thing? Plaster it EVERYWHERE. Make it common and normal on tv, commercials, in print, etc.

White men are tired of of having women and gays pushed on the military? Open it all to them. No restrictions. Forget the real purpose of the military. The new purpose is to destroy Conservatism.

Pro lifers hate Planned Parenthood? Make it a sympathetic cause in the media.

Whites tired of the race baiting BLM? Give BLM better funding, organization and media exposure.

Conservatives do buy the climate chafe bullcrap? Make it America's #1 priority!

Are you all getting the idea yet? The next election will either confront this trend, or allow this to grow until they convince the masses that Conservatives are the enemy. Conservative causes are the enemy. Not the Muslims, not the thousands of Latin gangs that infest our cities. Not the black gangs that make our inner cites war zones. It's not uncontrolled spending and budget deficits.

The focus for conservatives needs to be less on bitching about who in the GOP field is not conservative enough for you and more about stopping the Hillary/Sanders ticket coming your way soon!!

I'll take ANY of the GOP candidates over that ticket. I mean I don't care if it is Trunp, Cruz, Ben, Bush, Carly or Christie. Before any meaningful reform can be made you have to stop the cultural and ideological bleeding. Win the WH, keep the House, work on the Senate, appoint to the Courts! That is the goal.

Enough of what GWB didn't do. You people should kiss his butt in gratitude that he beat Gore. I promise you that this would all be worse had Gore won. Did you want Johnfucking Kerry? Love his effective work as Sec of State, don't you?

The goal is stopping Hillary and the Dems, otherwise you will continue to be besieged by class and race envy. Tax the rich (anyone who runs small business), reverse White privilege (screw the White man. You just TRY to get your kids into your States biggest universities. Islam will not be confronted, the boarders left open, and racism will be the power word to trump and criticism of urban lawlessness and entitlement.

Wise up.

"The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors. Partying and celebrating one moment, and huddled in lifeboats freezing the next". Hatari 2017

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo