Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Tracks
My lab is a pet. I defend her.
Potential burglars see a Pitbull, or Doberman, or German Shepherd, staring back at them from the front window and they usually start looking elsewhere. So while you're not home, the image of the kind of dog you have has its deterrence effect all by itself, without your dog ever actually having to do anything. Not so with most other breeds. Who's going to protect your lab when you're not home and someone breaks in because they don't respect a lab?

Potential burglars see a pit, rottie, or doberman looking through the window, and the burglar wraps a jacket around his left arm, then picks up a 2 foot piece of 1 1/4 inch steel pipe with his right hand. The altercation is over in less than 2 seconds with very little noise.

As told by a convicted burglar to a neighborhood watch group. Not a pleasant thought, just the way it is.

The ones he did not like were the yappy little ankle biters which hide under the bed and raise holy hell.
Not according to burglars themselves. Studies have been conducted where convicted burglars in prison are asked to rank dogs according to breed that would cause them to skip a house over. Pitbulls rate at the top. Dobermans aren't far behind.