Originally Posted by Mannlicher
Originally Posted by 4ager
Thank your local school teachers, and the Baby Boomers that embraced socialism during the 60s and then turned into the school teachers and college professors of today's public school teachers.

none of that was an accident, or occured by happenstance. Communists had a long range plan. Back right after the Russian Revolution, they began to infiltrate politics, colleges, unions and newspapers. Keeping mostly in the back ground at first, they burrowed into government at all levels.
The Red Scare of McCarthy had a lot of basis in fact.
After a generation or two, those that think communism is the answer have about taken over education, foreign policy, entertainment and news.
If you have not already boned up on Saul Alinsky,s "12 Rules for Radicals", you are behind the curve.
All this is true, but even those who claim true conservatism push for a total unknown quantity in Trump, a man who has never voted conservative in his life. There are real conservatives to chose from and they want to bet the farm on bluster. I see this as nothing but insanity that gives me little hope for a future for my kids or the country.

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.