An update. The house messes are fewer and farther between, but not gone completely. Mostly if we don't see him at the door or if he gets too excited. All told, I'm pretty pleased with Hank's progress there.

This past week we started a couple new conditioning items. Starting to work on WHOA a bit. Mostly just going in and out of doors/kennel and while on walks. I have been periodically banging pots together, from a distance, when he eats. This week we moved up to a to cap gun! The boys think that is fun. The first couple of times he tucked his tail and looked at me, but now he just looks and then keeps on slopping food down. Yesterday, I tried it close to him while he was eating. No flinch! I plan to keep it up, but think we are well on to not, hopefully, being gun shy! Last new thing is some start to tracking. I drag a piece of hot dog across the driveway/garage floor with him not around and then bring him to the track. He smells the dog, but looks to me for it when I give him the command. He's used to getting food from us instead of following his nose. So far he's always found it, but I hope he gets better at using his nose/searching for it instead of looking to me for it. We'll keep after it, but any and all suggestions on starting tracking drills is greatly appreciated.

Though it was jumping the gun a bit, we've for awhile now been tossing toys for him to fetch. The last couple weeks he's turned the corner with this! He's always brought them back towards us, but wanted to play keep away or tug of war once he got back. Lately, he comes back closer and with a bit of petting and the GIVE command he's giving up the toy. Might take a couple of repeats, but he's giving up the toy pretty easily now. This was mostly done in the house as play and exercise, but we took the show outside this week. With more room to get away, the first time he tried to keep away, but a bit of ignoring him and in came when called. After that, he did great, bringing it to me and giving on command. Very pleased with this and will be getting some bumpers and bird scent to make it a bit more formal soon! One thing we need to work on is him coming straight to me instead of circling me with the toy to show off.

Though I have no real frame of reference, I think things are progressing quite well even though PPs are known as a bit of slow developers. He's fitting in great with the family and has everyone's heart at this point.

Like any athlete, a good stretch after a workout is needed!
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