Originally Posted by rost495
One would expect ignorance out of college students of that age. I do.

Its their time to learn and sort life out.

The question is, should we trust "teachers" to not brainwash them at that age? To further the brainwashing that was recieved from Pre-K onward?

YOu can't trust anymore these days and our own values must be re-instilled to todays kids.

Thats where the failure is. It started when it became ok to be non religious, not married, have all the kids you want, even parents being same sex.... to be accepted as a norm and then allowed to do whatever made them all feel good rather than teach them right from wrong.

When you depend on schools to do that, instead of teaching the Rs... you have failed as a parent.

Maybe I'm too old-school and crotchety, but I expect much more than that. Yes - overcoming ignorance is a lifelong project for all of us, but that was way too much ignorance - way too much weakness in logic and reasoning - for university students. I DON"T expect such weakness in the average young person engaged in higher learning - never did - and not now.

The time to seriously learn and sort life out started way before they arrived at the University of Washington and should have progressed well beyond their state. Yes, a significant part of the college experience should be to explore new/different avenues, weigh considerations, settle some stuff - but it is important to go into that with proper tools and a useful foundation.

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