a purse designed for the pistol would be fantastic, but I think a girl at her age would probably not go that route. This is why I say revolver, and I don't believe that her father would ever let her just dump a revolver in her purse without being in a holster. There's a lot going on inside of a purse a lot of things floating around to catch on a trigger.dirt and debris which are always floating around in a woman's purse :-)play havoc on semiautomatics even inside of a holster hence the revolver. At 5 foot and 100 pounds if she had a revolver with a heavy trigger pull she would most likely need to have a trigger job. [/quote]

A good womens purse designed to carry a gun has it's own pocket, typically in the end of the purse so all the lady has to do is swing the purse (over her shoulder) in front of her, and conspicuously slip her hand in the pocket and now all she's got to do is swing the purse off to the side and the gun is out and ready. Once her hand is in the end of the purse she has the option of just discreetly removing her hand, or bringing the gun out. Works well.

"Suppose you were an idiot And suppose you were a member of Congress... But I repeat myself."
-Mark Twain