The election is over in Oregon and across the United States! Clinton will be the president and it won't even be close. The math just doesn't add up!

She is loathed by the right and tolerated by her own party, but she has a couple big things going for her....the changing demographics of this country and Trump's continued stumbles. I don't think he would have won even with a well oiled operation, but it would have been interesting with all Clinton's baggage thrown in the mix.

His huge ego has let him down. Knowing more than the generals, claiming Clinton has received more than 100 million from Wall Street, claiming he was against the war, Clinton started the birther issue and the list goes on. I appreciate standing up for your values and taking unpopular positions, but it doesn't serve the cause well when you talk out your ass. As someone once said, "you are entitled to your opinion, but not your own facts."

She was able to push his buttons and he took the bait. I would have liked to see Romney in the race or even Biden. I believe either one would have sent her into retirement.

I cannot imagine another 4 or 8 years down this path, but I do believe in calling out any politicians that says things that aren't backed up with facts.