Originally Posted by Alamosa
Thus far have given them a pass.
Not opposed to killing them but am waiting for a convincing explanation of the ecological benefits of doing so.

If there was such, I'd certainly consider it. I'm generally in favor a free market approach to wildlife management (let the ecosystem sort it out) and that generally means I'm not nearly as anti-predator as many guys. However, clearly many of the habitats that deer live in are hardly "free market" in the sense that they are coexisting closely with humans and all the mayhem we bring- from fences to agriculture to roads and so on.

In that case, where the human imprint is large, I'm open to the notion that humans might need to micromanage the predators.

Both my public-land big country hunts this fall featured coyotes singing. I would've loved to see the wild dogs. Didn't have any interest in shooting one.

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