Originally Posted by Redneck
Originally Posted by Holston
I've been down that road with UPS once before, and from my experience you better have everything in order if you want to get your insurance money back.
Well, speaking from personal experience, good luck getting any bux back re: insurance from USPS too.

They'll GLADLY sell you a policy for "X" dollars, but when you have a legitimate claim, they'll pay about 20 cents on the dollar and there's NO ONE you can yowl to and complain..


Don Young, my Congresscritter has a strong office and they love writing a single letter to the PO... and it works... just saying... Do not think your Congresscritter is on the NRA Board, but if you suggest they try the same it might work very easily...

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.