You'll be fine.

That is a helluva scope, you will probably migrate it at some point in the future to something with better ballistics, but you will love it on that rifle in the meantime. The beauty of a 4lb gun is that you can put a pig of a scope on it and its still a lighter package than most factory guns out of the box unscoped. I jsut slapped the VX6 1-6 with iluminated reticle on a .223 montana, if I werent a gun buying looney, it would probably do anything and everything I could ever ask of it in the hunting fields/bush/blinds/stands. There is no replacement for Good Glass...period.

I believe that affordable, relaible 8x-10x scopes are probably just a few years away.

Think a 1-10x36 with a 1" tube that weighs sub 12-14 oz. with top tier glass...

Makes the choice between a 1-4, 2.5-8 and a 3-9 seem almost irrelevant... just get all of them in 1 !!!

Last edited by Mjduct; 03/14/17.