Weight (to a point) and balance isn't a huge deal for a rifle that spends its time riding on your shoulder, but when it's in your hands or cradled indian-carry style in the crook of your arm for hours, it matters. It also makes a difference if you sit for hours on stand and keep a hand in a pocket to stay warm, while the other hand holds the rifle in your lap or across your knees. In those situations, added weight on top pulls the rifle to one side or the other whenever it gets canted a bit.

Last season I spent most of my time in two-person treestand equipped with a padded rail. Most of the time, my rifle rested upside-down beside me with the barrel on the rail and the butt on the seat. What a difference over the balancing act I used to perfom sitting on one of those little butt-probing excuses-for-a-seat most stands have. I had no trouble bringing it into play when game appeared, and my arms and hands weren't tired, cold, or cramped.

Last edited by Pappy348; 03/16/17.

What fresh Hell is this?