I lived in RSA from 1992-1994. I'm very worried for their future. I have friends that where very middle class and had a nice life that are now in absolute poverty. It's very sad to see the high crime and the farm murders. The worst thing is that many of them have had to hand in their guns to the local police because it's so different and expensive to keep them licensed. One family I know has had to barricade themselves in their bedroom at least 3 times while their home was robbed. The 70 plus year old father was just robbed by 5 guys while he was coming out of a grocery store and his face was badly cut.

A good friend of mine is now running his own operation as a guide and has offered me some incredible pricing if I bring a group over this summer. Hopefully, I'll get to go and get a feel for how it is now. I've always felt safe while with a guide and hunting but last time I spent a few weeks driving around by myself and felt nervous in a few situations. My Afrikaans and Zulu are not good at all anymore and my street smarts are gone with them. I always have to remember not to even be remotely nice to those approach me on the streets there. A quick Voetsak is my only reply now.
