You have hit the nail on the head. The media needs to make a story interesting, and as I mentioned, not being here for three weeks and getting the same news as you guys, I was wondering what was happening to the country and how it could fall apart so quickly. Until I got back, and realised that everything was still standing.
Look, I'm not saying that everything is hunky dory, but if you understand Africa, you will know, big stories like what is happening at the moment, is always a smokescreen to divert the attention of the people away from something bigger. In our case, it is our President trying to divert attention away from his shady dealings, as well as trying to stop losing the support from the black voters. The only way he can do this, is to fuel the racial divisions within the country and get the people fighting among themselves. Although our main opposition party has a very intelligent and educated black African leader and many black members, the party will always be seen as a "white" party, due to its roots. It is the party that most white South Africans will vote for over here. By sewing divisions among the people, and creating the whole black vs white battle within the country, come election time, he hopes that other black voters will rather vote "with their own people" rather than vote for the opposition.

It's that simple. [/quote]

Interesting that you say the DA is a white party. My black Zimbabwean Uber Driver in Cape Town pointed to a banner of the head of the DA and flat out said that guy is the next President of RSA. That the Blacks all over RSA see what is going on in the Western Cape and want that too. Time will tell.

Last edited by wesheltonj; 03/28/17.