Like 49 other states, Idaho has zoning laws. Agricultural zoning keeps the land agricultural. Subdivisions, etc. are prohibited. The last thing we need is more of our farmland being paved over. Willis isn't farming. It's his private resort on what used to be a farm. He isn't above trying to go around local laws. His house in Hailey sits astride of the Big Wood River. Some years ago, he ric racked the river through his place to change it's flow. That's highly illegal but he got caught and had to restore it.

Let me add some other info about Camas County
land area 1079 sq miles
population 1039, under 1 person/sq mile
largest city and county seat: Fairfield, pop. 410 at 2010 census.
other city: Hill City, unincorp. (there are only 2 towns). IIRC, Hill City has a farm store. Only.

This is farm country. There is no other industry at all. The busiest retail outlet in the county is a convenience store and there's only 1 of them. They do have one outstanding hamburger place that sells cooked-while-you-wait burgers and real milkshakes. None of this McD crap.
The entire northern border is the Soldier Mtn range with some 10k+ bumps. It's elk country with a lot of deer and antelope thrown in just for the fun of it.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.