Originally Posted by lvmiker
Originally Posted by wageslave
I was wrong. I can see that now.
If we can clean out one airstrip of jets and level one resort town, we will be on our way to an equal society, where all are one.

P.S. Let's do one a week, every week.....
We could get there faster.

Slave, I am not an advocate for an equal society and am certainly not one with most. I do not believe that wealth should allow one to lower the quality of life of your neighbors. Do unto others etc.

mike r

Understood, Bra.
I always thought you were a rational human beyond, before......:).

If he was starting an airport it would be one thing.
And I can tell you from daily experience that I would much rather have his Lear land once a month on that strip than listen to a thrush commander take off 20 times a day, 7 days a week, in season.

People who make ALOT of money spend a metric shít ton of money.......all the time.
Why is that a bad thing?
Sure, they can buy a 10,000 acre ranch, post it and keep out the common.........I'm not happy about that loss of rec property, (IF the rancher WAS allowing trespass before) but I understand it.
We would all probably do some version of it, if we could.....

Have Dog

Will Travel