Originally Posted by Pappy348
I bought a nice used 66 about 30 years ago for $50. It functioned really well, as advertised, but otherwise had little to recommend it IMHO, since I don't have a barn or chicken coop to keep it in. After about a year, I sold it for $50 to another curious soul.


Should have stuck it in the attic, kept it around for a few years.

You'd have gotten more than $50.

I don't use mine, I have better guns in the safe. In fact my 66 isn't in the safe, just sitting in an open rack in my gun room.

I remember as a kid, shooting rats at the city dump. Man, have times changed.

We'd go to the dump at night, 66's, a brick or two of ammo and headlights. We'd shoot a full mag, killing rats wholesale.

Then, we'd turn off the headlights, load the 66's in the dark by feel.

By the time we got them loaded, the rats were starting to move.

Lights on, kill rats, light off, load guns....

Real entertainment for teenage lads.

And, pretty cheap entertainment. .22LR ctgs. were pretty cheap and plentiful back then.

Remington 66's were pretty good for that kinda hunting. No one got excited, gunfire at the dump. No one ever check it out.

Yeah, times have definitely changed.