When I was in AK I was surprised that the people I talked to were not hunters. I asked about bird hunting, nope. Asked about deer, made it sound like once in while. LIke it was more of an event. For people in MI and WI, it is a yearly tradition.

UP and WI you have to wait for black bear. Lots of grouse in UP and N. WI. Deer hunting is a deep tradition in UP and N WI. I don't like WI shorter gun season, but they start bow earlier. But I would rather have longer gun and longer muzzle loader. Some people complain that big ones are not as common. Due to wolves, winter, and we just like to kill everything we can. I just get so excited. I enjoy shooting deer.

I do think it would be cool to be in western states and AK with other game.

I might get board hunting wide open spaces. Last year cut 100 yard lane. I didn't like being so far away.

Last edited by Zerk; 07/21/17.