No dog in this fight, but not real keen on the whole bully gig.

I took TKD when I lived in Chicago, and it was fun, not trying to start anyflames here at all, just concern for the grandson. I personally find TKD one of the least useful arts for street fighting.

It was developed for the battlefield and being good with your legs (IIRC TKD emphasizes 70/30 kick/punch ratio) can be handy, say a guy with a knife etc.

For street fighting it has it's limitations, IMO&E you go trying to kick above someones knees in the street before you have him on the ground dazed and you are asking for trouble.

Though knee kicks and shin drags and toe stomps have their place in a street brawl.

2 years is a lot to give up at a young age, later on it don't matter so much. But strength is the number 2 factor IME right after mindset.

I know Stick has pizzed some of you guys off on this thread, but you could do worse than to go back and read his comments via joint manipulation, eye gouge and skoozlepipe crunching. Giving up 2 years to a kid at that age would open all those possibles in my mind, but I ain't ever been accused of fighting fair.

Don't overlook headbutting and biting too, if it ends up in the clinches you'd be surprised what it will do for your opponents lack of certaintity about engaging with you if you can latch on like a terrier and remove some flesh with your teeth. In close a headbutt to the nose is a beautiful thing as well.

By all means continue with the TKD if he enjoys it, but as it is taught in 99.98% of the dojos it's a sport, not combat. But at least he's getting some training about being attacked and learning to do something other than duck or flinch.

Shudokan is better for in close fighting, but nothing replaces a heart to heart talk with grampa about some of the unpleasant moves that are available and the understanding that a good accounting of yourself, even if you get your azzwhupped never hurts as bad or as long as trying to slink around and avoid the bad guys.

Not saying it's right, but after training my son or grandson the best I could to prepare for this kid and it still didn't work, I'd explore other options, tis amazing how much you can buy with a couple of benjamins from a kid that's two years older than the bully.

If none of this makes sense to you, or you find it offensive, please disregard. My experiences in life are just that, my experiences, they may not apply to your situation.

Last edited by 1akhunter; 01/31/07.

"This ain't dress's the life you get to live, make it a good one."

TEAMWORK = a bunch of people doing what I say