I'm not surprised. It takes a little more effort to hunt ducks successfully and regularly than some other wild fowl -- up at dark-early or there at dark-late, or scouting the right field with permission. Decoys. Boats. Waders. Too much work for too many now.

And, as mentioned, waterfowl can take on the quality of semi-resurrected, bad, mammalian liver if not prepared properly both in deed and in mind.

But, I've found, for me, the small puddle ducks like teal and woodies to be quite good and Canadians too.

I'll never forget back in my earnest youth trying to roast snow goose (sky carp as one friend puts it) and on another occasion scaup -- two separate experiences that forever scalded several minds to ever trying waterfowl -- "ducks" -- again, and that were blamed for the next year's poor landscaping.