I used to be DIE HARD. I lived for duck season, traveled everywhere, and hunted like a mad man. Cost, and time, was no object, even in college.

I was heavily involved in Delta Waterfowl, DU, CWA, and other organizations.

I even created one of the first, biggest duck hunting websites on the net in the mid-90's, and was one of the first on SPAV. Either on-line or in person hunted, fought, hung out with, became great friends with, or cussed all of the old names: Hoosier Jim, Benny, Duck Undertaker, Dr. Duck, Gator Joe, Steel 3's, Mayo, Mudhen, Doc Hull, duck guru, WuChang, and too many others to list. Most of you have no idea what I am talking about. A few of you know that was the hayday of duck hunting on the web.

I bet I met 75 of those guys in person, and hunted with at least 25 of them. Most of them were/are great guys, but there were a few whack-jobs in the group for sure.

Then, I got married. Instant kids. Priorities changed, but I still hunted hard, 1 or 2 days a week instead of 4 or 5 days a week.

Then, I got a little older, and getting up at 3AM to drive 2 hours to get a decent spot before shoot time started to lose it's allure, but I still hunted ducks a bit.

And now, frankly, I want to get into the countryside to relax, have some peace, and not deal with a rat race. ON the busy days, I hated the yelling at 4AM because guys are setting up on top of eachother, I I don't want to listen to someone else's music in the parking lots at o'dark thirty, and I don't want to footrace to some pond at a popular spot.

Because of all that, I took a hiatus. I haven't shot a duck in 3 years, and instead I have been big game hunting where I can get lost and enjoy some peace. I don't enjoy the hunting as much, but I enjoy the hours/effort/quiet much more.

But I have missed the ducks, and this year I have 4 young friends who want to learn to hunt waterfowl, which has brought the fire back and given me a reason to dust off the decoys.

We'll see how it goes, but I am looking forward to it!


The DIPCHIT ADD, after a morning of drinking:

You despair, repeatedly, constantly! daily basis?
A despair ninny.
Sack up, despire ninny.