Originally Posted by Bwana_1
Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot
Originally Posted by Dutch
Polls indicate that only 15% of voters support sending dreamers home. 58% support citizenship, 18% support legal status.

Politically speaking that is a consensus. DACA will be the law of the land.

If there's anything true in life, it's that a lot of people are wrong, often. That's why we don't have a pure Democracy in this country.

??? Democracy would dictate those poll numbers kept dreamers here, how is that not democratic in nature ?...other than they didn't poll me, or allow me to vote.

My point is that if we let policy be determined purely by the will of the majority, we will be doomed as a nation. Therefore, I don't give a schit about a poll indicating that most people are okay with amnesty or amnesty lite, because they're wrong. At some point in the political process, someone has to be the adult in the room and say no, instead of doing what's easy and caving.

"Hey jackass, get your government off my freedom."