Originally Posted by OrangeOkie
Originally Posted by bigfish9684
I smell a big political maneuver none of us can yet see. I'm not worried until Trump actually SIGNS anything. Until then, it's all posturing, virtue signaling and political maneuvering.


Here's my take on this. Trump is offering to compromise DACA in exchange for funding for the border wall. The primary season starts soon for all of the house and 1/3 of the senate. Keep that in mind and follow along. Trump promised to drain the swamp. Trump just offered to make a deal where DACA becomes law (we'll call it amnesty, because it is) and simultaneously we get funding for the wall. Among the population, 4/5 oppose illegal immigration, which would include DACA recipients. That means congress is going to have to show their cards and vote on something that is unpopular with the majority of the country (amnesty). Then the entire house and 1/3 of the senate have to answer to the voters just a few months later. A lot of seats could change hands, we'll get the border wall and likely some really strict immigration reform in exchange for legalizing DACA. Then we don't have to deal with DACA. And the good thing is the dems are the minority and bonus: congress is in gridlock so if nothing gets done, which is likely, then DACA ends. And congress still looks like do-nothing nitwits who can't accomplish getting out of bed in the morning right before the midterm primaries.

Like others have said, as much as we don't like it, the DACA recipients are here to stay unless Trump has another rabbit to pull out of his hat.

Originally Posted by Bristoe
It's about like this:

"Do you puff peters?"

"Hell no!"
