I drank like a fish for years. I loved the honky tonks and saloons, the dirtier and rougher the better. Never imagined there'd be a time when I'd choose a 10 year old girls softball practice or game over going to the saloon. As I grew up and my children got older I found myself choosing spending time with my family clear headed was more enjoyable than drinking with hell raisers. It wasn't a conscious choice just something that happened and I'm glad that it did. I've had maybe 8 beers all year which wasn't even a starting point in the past. Now when I drink it's my choice and it's fun, not compulsory like it was in the past and I don't drink with the same intentions of my younger years. The mornings are infinitely easier and I don't miss the things that make life worth living.

�Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician.� �General George S. Patton, Jr.

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~