Originally Posted by Calhoun
Originally Posted by Sitka deer
Originally Posted by Calhoun
SCOTUS picks are awesome and badly needed, but only good for 25 years at most.

Constitutional amendments to balance the budget and term limits might last hundreds of years. And I can dream of a slightly changed 2nd Amendment to remove the argument that it applies to militia only. Maybe: A well regulated Militia comprised of citizens being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of all citizens to keep and bear Arms equal to that of the military shall not be infringed.

Both needed, though, you are right in that.

You have that VERY wrong! Heller clearly spelled out the meaning of the 2nd and the prep. clause... it defined the fact it is an individual right, there is NO argument now about what militia means! The absolute last thing needed or desired is allowing ANY changes.

You're correct... up until the time that another ruling comes down from SCOTUS changing the meaning.

Do you think Heller is forever? Nope. Just until there are enough liberals on the court to overrule it. There would be right now if Hillary had won. THAT'S how close we are.

I prefer our odds outside a convention to our odds inside one...It is a major event when the court reverses itself...

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.