Originally Posted by CharlieFoxtrot
CIA withholds ho chi minh's letters -angry, some noname State Dept underling decides he has the best plan and types types a get-it-on response for a coup whilst everyone is on vacation - angrier still, McNamara has ph00king marketing flow charts and bar graphs to gauge military effectiveness and goals - furious now. Kennedy and Johnson both reached their decisions to escalate and not looking soft on the commies by the overriding desire to be re-elected instead of taking one for the team. Goddammit. No words.

Johnson said he had "things" he wanted to accomplish. So correct me if I'm wrong, 58,000 good men died so he could pass the civil rights act, food stamp act, gun control act, social security act, Medicaid/medicare, voting rights act, and of course, the PBS act - of which, makes Ken Burns rich. It seems the whole liberal agenda was passed during his time in office. New Deal and Great Society on these boys sacrifice - Goddammit.

you got it right too, the awakening. There are a lot of people who were to young or not around at that time, or didn't realize what was going on.