Originally Posted by Windfall
Lots of you guys have some beautiful knives shown here, but here is the watch out. Years ago when I was just a kid my late little sister gave me a Schmidt & Ziegler bone handled stock folder. I carried that knife for years and dressed loads of deer with it. Then one deer season I felt in my pocket and it was gone. I was beside myself and spent the rest of the deer season retracing my every step trying to find where I must have dropped it. Oh it had probably been about $10.00 down at Van's Hardware back in the '60's, but Ginny had given it to me for Christmas and it meant way more to me than the cash value or any deer that walked in the woods. I never found it in the woods, but about seven days into the season it rolled out from under the seat in the truck. That knife doesn't go hunting anymore and just cuts open the tape on Christmas wrapping these days. Who among us hasn't left a knife back at a gut pile? Take it from a sentimental old guy, that if a knife has some special significance to you, it should be put on light duty where you are not going to lose it. Back when I hung out with the charter fishing guys, they would say that you never really have a good fishing lure. That you only get to use it for a while. Don't let that be your prized possession knife.

I buy the damn things to use, and if I lose one I shall buy another.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.