The two main things I see here in losing knives (apart from scumbag thieves that is) would be poor sheath design and forgetfullness at the gut pile. If you have a knife that is special and want to use it then the simple answer is to look at the sheath and make one that is a deep pouch style that retains knives better than any other style. I lost my first and only bought knife over 45 years ago which is what prompted me to start making my own as not only do I not like wasting money on lost items but the old style sheath with the dombed strap round the handle is about the least secure sheath style that there is. I have never lost a knife since that first one as the sheath design about as lose proof as it can get but worn behind the hip, it is out of the way of any brush etc that might otherwise catch and cause a lost knife from other pooly designed sheaths.

Von Gruff.

Exodus 20:1-17

Acts 4:10-12