Originally Posted by oldotter
Opening morning was sitting in a T-P style pop-up blind. To make a short story long, got soaked on my north and south side cause of the nature of the blind. Seen nothing worth letting the air out of. For the evening hunt, went to a rectangular blind with straight sides, stayed dry. At 4:45 in the evening, had 4 walk through my area, picked the biggest one, and the 99T did the rest. Had copious amounts of Jargermister to celebrate the occasion. The 165 grain Nozler Partition did a stellar job putting a quick demise to the critter in the cross hairs. Only had to track 40 yards. Dragging in was a biotch for a 58 year old fart. had to stop every 25 feet to regroup. Getting old is nothing to brag about, and as a matter of fact, it sucks.If that didn't give me a heart attack, I guess I'm not doing too bad. smile

Looks like even Old Otters even get wet now and then, thought you would be splashing around in the rain.I don't have a lucky "T" yet. When you say "copious amounts", were you drinking out of a half gallon tin pail like the old days. Up in PA I think you and Gary were just getting started about the time I passed out. Wish I was 58 again, maybe I could have made it a couple more rounds.Congrats on the freezer filler.

RAS, good on you for hooking up your buddy on his first. Hope to get to a fest that you can make also, would love to hold that 30-30, 95.

LLoyd, beautiful Pics, just enough snow, hope the next pic has horns.

John, did you have the 22HP? I hear they grow bigen's up there. Keep at it, he's out there.

Continued good luck for all you guys. WV opens Monday, I'm heading for camp Saturday. Should see 99guy for dinner Sunday. I might have a couple Loose Cannon IPA's in the fridge. My hunting buddy, since high school, can't make it this year. His print shop got bought out and shut down, so he's starting a new job. Stinks to have to get a new job at 62 years old. But you gotta do, what you gotta do, Joe.

I'm not greedy, I just want one of each.

Remember Ira Hayes
