I told my wife, and she agreed, if you want a memorial wait 6 months. The lite the grills up and throw a party. Be happy, enjoy, we are with the Lord.

Now my sister in law says she would like Diana to have a funeral. Well, in the first place my wife comes from a dysfunctional family. When her mother died they fought over the estate. My wife was the sole beneficiary of the estate, but she allowed them to take whatever they wanted. And they fought over that. Two brothers have not spoken to each other over a damned washing machine 18 years ago.

We have been married for 12 years and not a single visit from anyone in Diana's family. We have gone there a few times, but that's it. She does talk to her sister a lot on the phone though.

My family isn't mush better.

So [bleep] their closure, I ain't paying for that chit. They want that, they better be on hand with a check. I don't need it, niether does my step son. In fact I'm going to do exactly what this guy did. It sounds perfect right now.

Last edited by Armednfree; 11/22/17.

The older I become the more I am convinced that the voice of honor in a man's heart is the voice of GOD.