My aunt has an old J-frame .38 S&W (not special) which has sentimental value to her .. not exactly a high-performer. I don't really approve of the lead round nose ammo, either. I was going to hook her up with a S&W M60 3 inch .357 with adjustable sights and Ladysmith grips, then sort through light-recoiling .38 special factory ammo to see if something would work. Her hands are so weak, she can't fire her gun DA and requires both thumbs to cock the hammer. Fuggit. Love my aunt, but she's past being able to use a firearm to defend herself effectively. She's just going to have to hope the door locks hold long enough for the cops to get there. She is too slow, someone with bad intentions would just take the gun away from her before she could ever use it. Brutal truth.


Anyone who thinks there's two sides to everything hasn't met a M�bius strip.

Here be dragons ...