I never said she would need 17 shots, "dude". If you'll recall, one of the original complaints was that she had trouble hanging on the Shield. My suggestion was that a larger auto, such as a G17, would be easier for her to hang onto, as well as continuing to provide a lighter trigger for her arthritic fingers. The 17 shots is a happy bonus that also reduces the number of times she might have to try to work the slide. Try to keep up. And we already addressed the issue of going to the range alone, under the heading of independence. Remember?

In my second post of this thread, I acknowledged the validity of the points in favor of a DA revolver, but said that given the facts as stated I was not convinced that a heavy DA trigger was necessarily the best option for someone with arthritic fingers. It might be, it might not be.

If I decide I want to discuss this further, I'll find another brick wall, offline, to converse with.

The biggest problem our country has is not systemic racism, it's systemic stupidity.