To my fellow Vets, I say hello and a mutual thank you! To those of you considering joining, I always tell people, "It was the best mistake of my life!!!" and I mean it.

It was a great experience once I realized that I needed to conform, vs fight the system. Once you do that, you will find it much easier. Stop thinking you are special, that you know how to do it better, that you deserve to be treated better than your fellow military. Get over yourself and you will learn to fit in and to get along!

Every generation has comments about the generation coming up and the one going, and in the military, it is the older, more experienced teaching the younger and less experienced, and I can assure you, you aren't going to win fighting the "established military way!!"

I wanted to go to Nam but was too young when they enforced the draft and I missed the cutoff dates to go over when I enlisted. So I joined the Navy and it was, no pun intended, smooth sailing. I grew up, I learned a trade, I had a wonderful time traveling and getting paid to do so!