Originally Posted by Paddler
Originally Posted by WTM45

So how does an organization evolve and change? By listening to and consulting with its membership and their representation.
Not by its membership "quitting" and running away with their hands in their pockets.

Firearms ownership is a God given right. The 2nd Amendment stipulates what GOV'T can't do to infringe on that right. The NRA has held that view since it's inception. It is in their by-laws. Only when there is a clearly defined definition of "common sense" can there be further discussion regarding GOV'T infringement.

Only through membership does one have a voice in an organization. Any organization. An organization can not be swayed or influenced by a non-voting entity. Membership is the avenue to vote either by direct vote or proxy.

It has been made clearly obvious throughout history that those who are bent on disarming a population rarely have the best intentions for that population in mind.
There is a voice that speaks loudly to protect gun ownership rights. The NRA membership.

The present NRA needs to undergo radical change. Or die. It will never change from within, just look at the replies to my posts. We're dealing with hard right wing ideologues here. They must be marginalized, their voices ignored. The general public won't put up with their congressional representatives doing the NRA's bidding for long. Gun control is coming, each school shooting has and will continue to increase pressure on Congress.

Leave God out of this. Saying gun ownership is a God given right is preposterous on its face.

We don't need to influence the NRA, no need to work from within. No need to drive a stake through it's heart, either. We only need to eliminate the undo influence it has on legislation, and this is beginning now. They can only be seen as a radical fringe group, this view is only supported by their behavior in the eyes of younger generations. The future looks bleak for the NRA so long as they maintain their no negotiation hard line. Good luck.

You seem to have an awful lot of confidence in your liberal brethren.
I wonder what an exploding NRA membership will do to your theories?