I posted this on another thread before I knew this one active (or forgot about it to be exact)


NPR had on Joquin Castro this morning, Democrat, says its a lie, collusion is obvious from Stone knowing about emails and meeting in Trump tower

then NPR - keep in mind, this is NPR I'm talking about - starts pressing him on it and he holds his own, so after the interview, they bring in another guy , some in house political wonk they have and surprisingly he says he takes each point Castro made about obvious collusion and says there is no basis for anyone to conclude, based on whats in the public domain at least, that collusion exists.

He did say the Trump campaign was a willing recipient of any information Russia wanted to provide that was detrimental to Hillary - and hell, Trump was on the campaign trail asking Russia to do it, so that doesn't surprise anyone - but that isn't collusion, it just pisses off Democrats who thought Hillary had it in the bag.

This is twice now in 3 weeks where I've been listening to NPR and they have sided, for lack of better word, with Trump or the GOP over the Democrats. That has to be a record of some kind

and I could also add they are pretty big on the whole meet with Kim Jong Un thing as well.

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings