Originally Posted by 5sdad
Chuck, I really am not trying to be obstinate or argumentative, but should we not punish if we don't want to be punished ourselves?


5sdad- same sentiment here, no argumentative tone implied, My take on not wanting to be punished is that there has to be consequences for breaking the rule of treating others as you would have them treat you. The perpetrator has nullified his acceptance of that rule by transgressing against another - not the policer of the law. For example, I would no want to be whipped for stealing- so I wouldn't steal. Simple as that. Jesus was clear on obeying the law and disciples were all too aware on consequences of breaking it. In Acts 5:1 for example Ananais and his wife lied about the profits made from selling a field and God killed them for it. Not how I might handle it but.....not about to argue with the Almighty.

"I believe that there were many different subsets of the human race that had differences that were designed as such rather than divergent, evolutionary, off-shoots of a single model."

So no Adam and Eve and\or no missing link ? I guess you might look at it as multiple Adam and Eve's ? I think I get what you are saying just trying to see it all the way through my thick head.

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius