Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Thats too bad.

I did like the crapped out van next to the no parking sign however.

I was in San Francisco 20 years ago. My Aunt and Uncle live in Palo Alto.

Took me to see the sights, eat some food and watched a production of Phantom of the Opera.

Gawddamnedest thing I ever saw. I did not see any thing like that.....but they would not have taken me to those areas anyway.

What the hell causes all of that? Drugs I suppose?

A majority of homeless are mentally ill, drunks, or drug addicts, or combination. Cities, especially liberal cities provide free services, allow begging, etc that enables and promotes those types of behaviors. If I have to work for my beer, they should too. I don’t mind helping the down and out or mentally ill, but the rest should starve. Missoula started a shelter and it’s turned into a mess. Don’t ever give to a begger or build a free shelter, because they will come, trash your parks and chit on your streets. Bad life choices shouldn’t be rewarded.

"Life is tough, even tougher if your stupid"
John Wayne