
You don't know Winchester ammunition?

Am sorry to hear your knowledge of gun writers is so limited. "Mr. Gough" is not his name. Instead Gough is the first name of his pen name. His entire name was Gough Thomas Garwood, but dropped Garwood when writing magazine articles and books, for whatever reason.

He was consider one of the top all-time British writers on shotguns, who published far more articles than C.E. Harris, along with a number of books on the subject. (Again, can't recall many articles on shotguns by Mr. Harris, and have always read his articles in numerous publications.)

Gough Thomas published at least half a dozen books on shotguns, which are still considered top references on the subject today. Here's a post from the site erich mentioned: "Gough Thomas was a highly qualified professional engineer first and gun writer second, and his engineering expertise puts his books in a special category. In short he knew precisely what he was talking about. I corresponded with him over the years and treasure his hand written letters. All his books are worth reading. Shotguns and Cartridges would be the best one to read for an overall take on shotguns. Shooting Facts and Fancies is a more detailed look at some specialised issues."

Of course, since he was British, many Americans don't know his work, but his works have been referenced by a bunch of well-known American shotgun writers, including Bob Brister, Gene Hill, Michael McIntosh, Terry Wieland and many others. But based on your response, I suspect you might not "know" them either.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck