
I get the part for doing finished goods at home to capture the labor aspect and that makes sense.

For way too long the US has favored big corporations over the independent and family businesses. Those closest to the land and their communities have been pushed out for the sake of bigger is better mentality. Maybe big corporations are more efficient and produce cheaper priced goods but in my view at the expense of small towns in both countries and their quality of life. Wal-Mart as a retailer is a prime example of big pushing out the mom and pop stores in so many small towns across the entire country. Yes it is cheaper goods, but look at the consequences in community breakdown. But I digress.

When it comes to trading raw materials, there are probably materials we have more of and materials Canada has more of that can be traded back and forth by balancing It is all very complicated and I am surely not informed enough to even know what, if anything, is out of whack. All in all and as simple as I can see it is trade should be as balanced as possible for the good of both nations.

I can see us as a nation favoring our friends in any unbalance, but it would be better if all nations traded evenly. That is a pipe dream for sure.