Man that brings back a memory for me. My grandparents were farmers and between spring and fall my dad, mom and younger brother spent most weekends there. I was 7 or 8 years old and my brother was 4 years younger. We were playing out in the yard after supper and a rabid coon came staggering towards us. My brother wanted to pet it and even though I had no idea what rabies was I knew by instinct something wasn't right.

I grabbed my brother and took him up on the porch and yelled in the house that there was a coon in the backyard that walked right up to us. I remember my grandpa jumped up flew out the door and grabbed a fire brick off the porch. He walked up to the coon and threw that brick on his head killing him graveyard dead. He then grabbed a pair of gloves, picked up the coon and threw it on the cob pile which he then doused with diesel fuel and lit on fire. I remember at the time it was one of the coolest things I'd ever seen. Thanks for the memory!


Know fat, know flavor. No fat, no flavor.

I tried going vegan, but then realized it was a big missed steak.