kellory; All,

The Midland series 70-056C radios have handheld "twins" that weigh about 2 pounds each & are 7-8W. = The "C-range" radios need NOT be "modified" to work on 2M. All that is needed is to program the radios with a PC & a small/inexpensive programming adapter.
(Offhand I cannot remember the model number but there are also Midland base/mobile/handheld radios that do 35-55MHZ & work FINE on 6M, too.)

Btw, our vehicle "AG radios" are (ex-VFD) GE Master Exec II mobiles & are both big/heavy BUT I expect them to outlast me.
(The mobile antennas on our farm vehicles are "frequency adjusted", i.e., "cut down" & formerly "heavy duty" 102 inch stainless steel 11M "CB" whips. - "Glass whips" often get broken on farm equipment.)

NOTE to 2-way neophytes: IF you get a "ham ticket" & hunt in ROUGH terrain, SIX METER radios are several times BETTER than TWO METERS & MANY times more useful than the higher ham bands like 222 or 440MHZ, unless you have a "mobile repeater" sited on a HIGH mountaintop (OR perhaps up in a TALL tree) with solar power and/or deep-cycle batteries.
(I know of some really dedicated hunters who DO own & use a mobile repeater.)

yours, tex


William Barrett Travis, Lt.Col., comdt.
Fortress of The Alamo, Bejar
F'by 24, 1836