Originally Posted by shaman
The way I look at it, this media meltdown would have happened no matter what. Whatever Trump said, whatever happened in Helsinki, everyone was going to claim he'd failed, acted stupidly, or been handed his ass by Putin. The actual events had nothing to with it. This is exactly the same sort of crap they said after Reagan and Gorby met.

For as far as it went, my opinion matched Rush Limbaugh's. What I found interesting in Rush Limbaugh's view was that he suggested a cause. Mueller's presser, if you read it right, pretty well indicates there was no Russian collusion. Neither Trump nor anybody else connected with him conspired with the Russians to influence the 2016 election. The media had to be ginning something up fast to deflect attention away from that truth. I buy that.

By the way, from what I gather about Reagan/Gorbachev, Reagan did far worse early on in misreading his opponent. Things got pretty chilly there for a while. I do not think Trump is doing all that badly, and certainly not as bad as Kennedy with Kruschev. However, history will have to decide. If what we see is an immediate test of our will like the Cuban Missile Crisis, then we'll know Putin thinks Trump is a dolt. My guess is that he sees a way to cut a deal to their mutual benefit.

I pretty much agree with this. If this man would cure prostate cancer tomorrow, he’d be declared a mysogynist and incompetent because he didn’t get to and cure breast cancer. The only way he wins is grudgingly and by history’s verdict at some point in time.

“The left” senses or knows the Nov mid-term’s ice is cracking under them and they have no greater lights for 2020 already shining brightly except for the usual slew of know-it-all socialists. That may be why Obama went to the RSA, that shining nation on a hill, to again read a teleprompter to help salvage his so-called “legacy.” Evoking Mandela.

The alphabet media all have passed through the prodromal stage and are all actively rabid now, foaming at the mouth in their angst.

Added to this — Trump is the mirror statists look into to see comparatively how little they ever get done in two terms as in less than two years he’s deregulated many of O’s regulations, jump-starting the economy; addressed immigration; yanked the EU’s chain on defense and tariffs; met with Rocket Man, and KGB man, Snidely Whiplash. Not to mention placing one conservative justice on the SC, putting one moderate-conservative in the chute, and the potential to place another. Oh, the horror.

Nobody knows what went on in the private, two-hour meeting with Whiplash; nobody. Let’s wait and see.

Last edited by George_De_Vries_3rd; 07/18/18.