
Jon's experiences when traveling to hunt helped me a lot when I started traveling frequently in the late 1980's. In fact it didn't take long to acquire a take-down case, a lightweight model found at a local store, to use with bolt rifles with the barreled action removed from the stock. Eventually wore it out (probably Ingwe's fault, since he borrowed it for one safari) and now have a heavy-duty molded-plastic case from Browning that's a lot sturdier--and heavier, though it has wheels to make getting around easier.

John also inspired me to pare down my other traveling gear to a minimum, something I've also become obsessive about over the years. When hunting you never know when luggage carts and other handy devices might be absent. Once spent a month in Africa with my take-down case, my daypack (which doubled as a carry-on) and a 12x15x20 inch duffle bag. Of course it's easier to do that in Africa than Alaska, but the same principles help even there.

Jon also inspired me to try 6x scopes, which I found great for general big game hunting--and tougher than most variables.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck