Many will not agree on such a controversial rifle subject as "lever vs bolt action" open sights.{ Newer BA rifles have no iron sights}

I have both-- in heavier calibers including
a pre-64 M-70 in 375 H&H. For coastal bears in AK the 375 and a 450 AK is what I carry. Depending on alders and thick stuff.
Bottom line is people will carry what they carry-many times a "bear rifle" becomes
what's in your hands. A heavy revolver in a sturdy holster may save your life if
a rifle gets swatted.
This thread is about WHAT WORKS. Its not about favorites or
personal prejudices.

Another hunter was recently killed by a grizzly in Wyoming. Last year's
Forest Service off duty Ranger near Glacier Park----- makes two.

If you make the wrong choice-at the wrong time-someone will read about you
and what you used to carry before getting mauled.

Being a combat veteran-I listen to combat vets who have been there.
Same with bear hunters and bear guides. Talk is cheap. Experience is expensive.

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena-not the critic"-T. Roosevelt
There are no atheists in fox holes or in the open doors of a para's aircraft.....