The only reasons to go with a pump over an auto would be cost and ease of collecting empties when fired singlely. Some might say to use a pump as it is a courtesy to not throw empties onto your neighbor on the trap line when shooting singles but there are shell catchers and rubber bands to handle that. Neither is safer as far as handling goes, one either handles the gun safely or not. We all know someone who is dangerous with a Nerf noodle and no limit on gun capacity will make them safe with a firearm.

The same goes for shooting, either you concentrate on the target and make the first shot count or you don't. Either can have a second shot readily chambered with it happening nearly instinctively with a pumps. If one wants to make either a single shot, a piece of dowel can be cut to create a plug to block off the whole chamber rendering the gun a single shot. Or, two shot or whatever depending on the length of dowel.

Even though both guns weigh similarly, a gas operated semiauto will have less felt recoil all things being equal. For someone of smaller statue and/or experience that can be a significant factor in their enjoyment.

In any event, buy for quality rather than price. A used shotgun of known reliability is far better than a new one of unproven or checkered reliability. It is also more likely to find parts, accessories, and someone familiar with fixing the former if the need arises.

Last edited by woodmaster81; 11/24/18.