Originally Posted by muleshoe
I know it wasn't one of the choices, but what's wrong with a single shot 20 for a kid's first scatter gun?

Make the first shot count, probably not gonna be a second.

Good timing for this thread as I was thinking about this very topic today.

IMO the biggest problem with most single shot shotguns is the hammer. Having to lower the hammer on a loaded gun after cocking but not firing isn't ideal for a young hunter.

As someone mentioned in an earlier post, any gun can function as a single shot, either via a plug in a repeater or merely loading just one shell.

I like the idea of a gas-operated semi-auto for reducing recoil, but I'm wondering about the transition from loading only one (single shot mode) to loading two (repeater mode). For that transition a pump might be better. I don't think there's one best choice - each has pros and cons as evidenced by opinions on this thread.

From my personal experience I don't recommend a .410 for flying targets, but besides that I think any gauge would work with light enough loads for a beginner.

Thank you to everyone contributing their thoughts.