Originally Posted by alpinecrick

We also have to think about the fact that elk are NOT declining in the other 75-80% of the state. Is the CPW doing a great job everywhere else?

Well they screwed up the elk herd in Unit 5 4(Gunnison) and in units 24/ 25 FlatTops when they issued all those cow OTC tags. 2000 a year for 3-5 years.They refused to admit that there was a big winter kill in 2007/2009 until two years later even though hunters were telling them there was. Me included.

I still say,reduce hunting pressure in Sept so more cows get bred earlier rather in the 2n /3rd estrus cycle so the calves are bigger and stronger come late fall. What do I know though.I don't have degree from some university in the east that has no elk population

If God wanted you to walk and carry things on your back, He would not have invented stirrups and pack saddles