If you carry a hot gun, and if you use the safety ever- use the safety always. Do not have one set gunhandling for when it’s loaded, one for when it’s unloaded, and one set for when it’s stored.

For me/where I am- the trigger does not get pulled unless I’m aiming at target, and before my face breaks cheek-weld, the safety goes back on. If it can’t go back on, it is fixed, and then immediately the safety is applied.

Just because the military does something, does not mean it’s correct. Point in fact, the military breeds mediocrity. I question anything the military does, as it’s almost never done because that’s the best way.

Empty guns, clearing barrels, sometime use of the safety and sometimes not, and guys habitually dropping the hammer without wanting to fire (dry or live) are the greatest cause of ND’s in the military.