Originally Posted by David_Walter
You know the firing pin has about zero mass and there is no possible way for the firing pin to fire a round unless it is hit by the hammer?

Sir, the one thing I have learned over the years is "never to say never."
There is a reason go/no go gauges and firing pin protrusion gauges exist.

Soft primers, protruding primers, damaged ammunition, excessive wear, wrong sized (headspaced) bolts and many other things can contribute to something unintentional. Are the odds slim? I agree they are. Very slim.

The safety is not completely perfect in and of itself. It is not so failsafe it can be depended on 100% without other safety awareness and muzzle controls in place.

With so many folks building and assembling the platform now, I feel we are sharing very useful information here. Many of us have the knowledge and experience of good training and high level maintenance of our rifles. Some may believe there is no importance to the proper fit of components and proper PMCS maintenance.