Here are my concerns,IF I have a TIA or a massive seizure I am 40 minutes or so from a hospital. To get there would take longer as you folks would have to get me in a vehicle,so that would be a bit past the "Golden Hour."

Also,my stamina is not what it used to be. For instance,I helped out in the pecan orchard yesterday for two hours and the rest of the day I was napping and I had small seizures i.e. my right hand shakes(like when you're cold) and trouble communicating.

I would love to go,it's just that I don't want to miss a bunch of fun because I am napping or just not feeling up to it. Then it cuts into Judy and my daughters fun cause they have to watch me,or someone else while those two are having fun.

Life Member SCI
Life Member DSC
Member New Mexico Shooting Sports Association

Take your responsibilities seriously, never yourself-Ken Howell

Proper bullet placement + sufficient penetration = quick, clean kill. Finn Aagard
