Update: I regret that will not be attending the Tonto rendezvous.

I got out of the local hospital yesterday after a scary incident at 1 AM. I woke up uncomfortable, mildly sweaty with a belly ache, and went downstairs to tend the fire. A very sudden and severe drop in my blood pressure caused me to pass out on the kitchen floor with excruciating abdominal pain. I came around in maybe 15-20 minutes in a pool of sweat, headed to the bathroom and had major digestive symptoms (TMI?). I thought it was peritonitis, like a ruptured appendix, and headed down the mountain to town.

I was treated promptly in the ER (it might have helped when they recognized my face and have a history of coming through the "ambulance only" entrance with patients on gurneys). I am considerably better now after treatments, but a little apprehensive about what the long-term implications might be. I expect this week to be educational. I was really looking forward to being more recreational and social instead of medical.

Sorry to miss the festivities.

“You must endeavour to enjoy the pleasure of doing good. That is all that makes life valuable.”
Robert E. Lee, in a letter to his invalid wife.